Ostatní dokumentace - veřejná

Procurement procedure: Mikrovlnný scintilometr / Microwave scintillometer

Document information

Title: Text of the contract - Part 1
Document published on Profile: 12.08.2020 14:30:11

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word Contract - Part 1.docx
Size: 107.10 KB
Actual file version: 12.08.2020 14:25:56
MD5 hash: 363f8200cebbe9e06d8abdc74191f51c
SHA256 hash: 177d09e234b611e8ef915ee47e600da7783bf73fcd1c582bf2813f7e387524c5

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 12.08.2020 14:25:56 Text of the contract - Part 1 other documents - public - Contract - Part 1.docx 107.10 KB