Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Analyzer

Document information

Title: Text of the contract
Document published on Profile: 18.04.2024 11:59:12

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word Contract.docx
Size: 172.08 KB
Actual file version: 18.04.2024 11:50:47
MD5 hash: caeb155ff01488bd9a690a0f84c037dc
SHA256 hash: 06e0cc34e2f88a878b2bf84f31f5ec5ff8d234507e0c764247da27807765d1a0

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 18.04.2024 11:50:47 Text of the contract procurement documents - Contract.docx 172.08 KB